Clean Tech

Clean Tech - Micro Hydro Power

Salient Features
* Small Power Station that generates green power based on water vortex technology. Water vortex is created by way of drain
* Electricity Production in complete harmony with nature.
* Renaturation and revitalisation of water, fish friendly.
* "Run of the river" setup in regions with low / no possibility of hydro power generation.
* Low water demand (around 1 m3/sec) and hence can be installed in small perennial rivers and irrigation channels.
* Low gradient requirement (2 meters over 20~500 meters) and thus can be installed in plains as well.
* Gestation period very low (through pre-fabrication) and hence can be installed within months.
* Vortex moves a small turbine at around 16~22 RPM
* No Dam creation and no water holdup; high efficiency (> 50%);